Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My "Identity"

Well.... a political identity is something that I have never quite fit in to. I guess that if you had to classify me as something, liberal may do. but I don't necessarily agree with the liberal view on everything. Actually I guess that I side with Libertarians more than everything... This country just has too many laws, which is what the founding fathers were attempting to get away from in the first place wasn't it?

So now we go to the issues.

Pro Choice

Gun Control:
Its fine just how it is. Read the constitution. It happens to be one of our rights as an American Citizen.

Marijuana Legalization:
It should be legalized but have the same types of restrictions as alcohol.

Gay Marriage:
People should be able to love whoever they want to. Its sad that the government is trying to regulate this.

Its the governments job to take care of us and keep us safe. I believe that healthcare should be in there somewhere.

Free Trade:
We should be able to trade with whatever countries that we want. If they have tariffs and taxes on us then we should have the same for them. Make things equal.

Energy, Oil, and the Environment:
We definitely need to find other energy sources, as we spend way too much money on oil. Oil is still needed in every day life but there are other options for fuel out there. We just need to find out how to make them more readily accessible.

Homeland Security:
This is the main reason that the government is here. They are supposed to take care of us and if they can't take care of us then why do they think that they could possibly fix another country. What other countries choose to do is none of our business. We need to take care of ourselves.

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